Life+ With the contribution of the LIFE + financial instrument of the European Union
05-11-2024 10:36

Participation of oLIVE CLIMA in the networking event of LIFE IPNOA project in Pisa on October 13

Participation of oLIVE CLIMA in the networking event of LIFE IPNOA project in Pisa on October 13

Dr. Giuseppe Montanaro (DiCEM) participated in a networking event on “Climate change mitigation strategies, a challenge for agriculture”, organized by the LIFE IPNOA project in Pisa (Italy) on October 13. In his presentation Dr. Montanaro presented an overview of oLIVE-CLIMA and provided some technical advices on methodology to increase soil carbon content. The temporal and spatial parameters defining variability of CO2 soil emissions along with the progress of the soil carbon sequestration process were presented.

Presentation of LIFE 11 ENV/GR/942 oLIVE CLIMA “Introduction of new oLIVE crop management practices focused on CLIMAte change mitigation and adaptation”


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